Smart Capital Expert Profile

A sneak-peak of your smart capital investor profile and a brief introduction to the key modules available.

Your Skills: List the skills you are best at and how long you have been developing them.
Network Strengths: Show where your network is strongest and where you have most contacts.
Your Ratecard: Set your own rates per hour, per day or for any introduction you may be willing to do for founders.
Availabilities: Provide founders with an overview of how much time you may have in any given month.
Your Smart Capital: Set a discount to your rates, the higher the discount, the higher the multiple for your smart capital.
Befriended Companies: Show-off where you have the best relations too and where you may be able to open doors.
Your Investment Range: Set your investment preferences and indicate to founders whether their project fits your investment criteria.
Industry Verticals: Which industries do you like best or would you prefer potential startups to operate in?
Business Models: Which business models do you prefer and where do you have most experience.
Customer Groups: Which customer groups do you prefer?

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Transform your skills & business contacts into smart investment capital and become a venture investor without cash.
Your alternative to venture-funding. List your needs & supercharge your team, which will have skin in the game.
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