The value of all services provided by experts is the investment. Startups offer fixed revenue share and equity share in return.
Smart Capital Investing
A match-making platform,
where experts provide their skills & contacts
and founders supercharge their teams.

What is a Revenue Share?
Every startup defines the offered revenue share itself, as it best fits, it can be: a % of revenues or gross profits, a € amount per new customer, lead, visitor, or be based on any other key performance indicator.
How are investment proceeds split-up?
In the fairest way thinkable: Proceeds are split-up among participating investors based on the pro-rata share of their contributions. If one investors contributes 19% of all inputs, he/she shall receive 19% of investment proceeds.
How long is the duration of an investment?
The duration of any project is set by its founders. However, we are looking at a minimum duration of 24 months and a maximum of 48 months.
Is it available in my country?
Basically yes, while some needs require local input, others may be open for global distribution (e.g. development services).
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